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  1. Psychoanalysis of the dream works to show roy’s despair toward indian society in              arund hati roy’s  “the god of small things
  2. Gender inequalities inmale-and-female relationships found in arund hati roy’s novel the    god of small thing
  3. Improving  students’ speaking skill through debate
  4. Dictationas a testing device of listening: analysis of students’ error
  5. Theuse of total physical response (tpr) method in english preposition teaching
  6. Dictationas a testing technique in measuring the students’ listening mastery
  7. Imageryfound in “in bloom”, “lounge act”, and “drain you” song lyrics of kurt cobain
  8. Developing student’s narrative writing through fairy tales
  9. Students’ errors in using simple present tense in writing descriptive texts
  10. Teaching narrative text inimproving writing to the tenth grade students
  11. Teachinglistening comprehension to the fourth graders of elementary school students byusing the total physical.
  12. A correlation between students’ mastery of past tenseand their achievement in writing recount
  13. The use of animation movies for developing students’ writing skill of narrative texts
  14. Thecorrelation between students’ activity in watching english tv programs andstudent’s vocabulary mastery
  15. Men’sperceptions toward women’s existence as reflected by men characters’ actionstoward geisha in arthur golden’s novel “memoirs of a geisha”
  16. The application of total physical response in teaching english vocabulary to the fourthgraders students
  17. Racial prejudice against the half-castes in australia in xavier herbert’s novel “capricornia”
  18. Socialconflicts between upper class and lower class as a result of industrializationfound in jack london’s short story “south of the slot”
  19. A correlation study between students mastery of past tense and their ability in expressing past activities in writing
  20. The use of english comics to improve students’ abilityin story retelling
  21. Acomparative study on diction and sentence structure between spoken newsbroadcast by cnn international and written news articles issued by timemagazine
  22. Grammaticalerror analysis in students’ recount texts
  23. Janeeyre, a portrayal of british middle class women in the 19th century asreflected in charlotte bronte’s novel “jane eyre”
  24. Audio lingual teaching as an alternative method in teaching speaking
  25. Astudy of students’ mastery of phrasal verbs
  26. Noun phrase construction found in report genres in the first year senior high schoolstudents’ textbooks
  27. An error analysis on the use of gerund among the fourth semester students
  28. Homosexualityin james baldwin’s novel “giovanni’s room”
  29. Theuse of literacy approach to teach recount text
  30. Ananalysis of students’ errors in pronouncing english vowels
  31. The teacherand learner talk in the classroom interaction
  32. The grammatical cohesion ofreading text of year seven junior high school textbook “smart steps” publishedby ganeca exact
  33. Loveas a motivation of life for the main character reflected in nathanielhawthorne’s “rappacini’s daughter”
  34. The useof beauty and the beast illustrated version as narrative readingmaterial
  35. Students’problems in developing speaking skill
  36. The studets’ ability in writingexpository text
  37. The correlation between grade xistudents’ listening skill and speaking skill
  38. A contrastive analysis of affixesin english and mandailingnese
  39. The influence of word formationmastery to students’ ability in identifying discussion paragraph
  40. Improvingstudents’achievement in reading comprehension through cooperative learningteams games tournaments (tgt)

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